A straightforward management structure with clear-cut policies

We have built the management structure of Alpha Services and Holdings on the values of integrity and transparency. Rational allocation of responsibilities ensures the effectiveness of our operations. With clear-cut policies and inclusive codes, we set the rules of proper conduct that apply to everyone, safeguarding our legitimacy and credibility.

Committing to prudent management

With an optimal hierarchical structure, and effective implementation of codes and policies.

Our Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for managing our affairs and representing it vis-à-vis third parties. The Board Members determine and supervise the governance mechanisms, focusing on prudent and effective management.
They possess the necessary knowledge and experience, in line with our business model and strategy.


Our Committees

Board Committees: The Board of Directors has established 4 committees, which assist the Board in performing its duties and support decision-making. They have an advisory role, but may also undertake specific responsibilities.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee acts as a collective corporate body. Its powers and authorities are determined by way of a CEO Act.

Our codes and policies

We practice sustainable governance through codes and policies which safeguard the credibility of our procedures, and our relationships with our shareholders and clients. Through our Code of Ethics we set the rules of conduct for our management and people. Our rules are based on transparency, equal treatment and inclusion.

Organisational Chart

With the aim of making our structure and allocation of management duties and responsibilities more easily understood, we have established a clear Organisational Chart. It provides a distinct overview of the hierarchy of individuals and our management bodies. EXPLORE THE ORGANISATIONAL CHART